Verbs Task Cards | Verbs worksheet alternative

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These verbs task cards are a perfect review for student learning. These task cards are a great verbs worksheet alternative. I love task cards because it gets my students up and moving! You can hide them around the room for children to “find” and answer, use them for a game of Scoot, or simply place in piles around the room for students to get up to get their cards.

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With these task cards, you will fully understand if they have mastered the content. These verb task cards as the students to find the answer 3 DIFFERENT WAYS:

  1. Find the FOUR verbs out of 8
  2. Identify the verb in the sentence
  3. Match the verbs to the nouns that give action

Looking to use these cards in a DIGITAL format? Take a look at my verbs BOOM cards set. Same questions, just a different format!

**NOW AVAILABLE in Google Forms as well. Find them HERE.**

These cards are great to use for:
• Whole Class Instruction
• Mini Lessons
• Small Group Instruction
• Math Centers
• Independent Work
• Intervention

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