These number patterns task cards are perfect review for student learning. These task cards ask skip counting questions four different ways so you can truly get an understanding if your students have mastered the content.
These cards are also available in digital format on the BOOM Learning site. For the digital cards, click HERE.
**Number Patterns are all counting up by 2’s, 3’s, 4’s, 5’s, and 10’s**
Students will be able to:
– Look at a pattern and state if it is correct or not.
– Given a rule, find the pattern that matches
– Given a pattern, find the corresponding rule
– Given a pattern, find the missing number
These cards are great to use for:
• Whole Class Instruction
• Mini Lessons
• Small Group Instruction
• Math Centers
• Independent Work
• Intervention
★ 3-digit Skip Counting – Differentiated
★ 3-Digit Addition with and without regrouping Differentiated Skill Swirls
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