FREE Fraction Fun

Your students will love learning about fractions with this fun rainbow fractions activity. I mean, what could be more fun than fractions and fruit loops!

Free fractions activity for elementary students

Fractions are one of those math skills that our students will use for the rest of their lives. So it’s important to help them build a solid foundation and understanding of fractions in the early years.

This super engaging St. Patrick’s Day fraction activity is sure to help your students master those important fraction basics while having fun too. In this activity, students will be creating a rainbow using fruit loops, and the rainbow becomes the basis for the fractions. Students then write fractions to represent each color of their rainbow.

free fractions activity

After using this activity for a few years, I have found that this activity really helps students clear up any misunderstandings they may have when it comes to the numerator and denominator.

Here’s how it works . . .

I start by handing students a blank sheet of construction paper or cardstock. I really like to use the large construction paper if it is available. Then I add a pile of Fruit Loops (I buy the generic ones – but any type of fruit cereal will work) and I tell the students to make a rainbow on their paper using the cereal. I let them decide what kind of rainbow, how many rows to include and what colors to use.

Next, we use the rainbow to make fractions. Students first have to figure out how many fruit loops they used in order to find the denominator of the fraction. Then they have to count each color to find the numerator. They write a fraction for each color of the rainbow.

If your students are learning how to reduce fractions, you can require that they also write the fraction in its fully reduced form.

Rainbow Fractions a Fraction Writing Activity for St Patricks Day

After getting their fractions checked, students write their fractions on the Rainbow Fractions page that I give them. It’s included in the free download for you to use too!

Once they are done, I have the students use crayons to create a scene around their rainbow. In my classroom, we always do a St. Patrick’s Day scene because that is when we study fractions. But . . . you can use this activity any time of the year. Rainbows never go out of season!

St Patrick's Day Fraction Activity by Elementary Island
fun and engaging fraction activities

Add a Writing Element Too!

If you like to double-dip, then you can use this picture as a writing prompt too! Have students write about their picture using a prompt you provide or with the picture as the prompt. Some fun writing ideas include:

  • What’s At the End of the Rainbow?
  • How to Catch a Leprechaun
  • Why is a Rainbow so Colorful?
  • One day I saw a leprechaun . . .
  • One spring day I . . .
  • Somewhere over the rainbow . . .

When students are finished with their pictures, make sure to create a fun and eye-catching display. These colorful fraction pictures make a great bulletin board, locker or hallway display. We always get compliments on them and I know you will too!

hands-on fraction activity for St. Patrick's Day

Ready to Try It Out?

This Rainbow Fraction activity is FREE for you to download. I hope that you and your students enjoy it as much as we have in my classroom! I’d love to see your finished pictures. You can always email me or tag me on social media!

Free Fraction activity for 2nd grade

Looking for More Fun Fraction Practice?

If you are looking for more fraction practice for your students, then check out this Differentiated Fractions resource. This resource is filled with lots of fraction practice to help your students master fractions. In this Differentiated Fractions resource you get:

  • 11 No Prep Printable Activities in 3 different levels
  • A Pre/Post Test
  • A Fraction Game

fraction worksheets and games

You can find this Differentiated Fraction Resource in my store at Teachers Pay Teachers.

Save these fraction activities for later!

Just pin this to your favorite classroom Pinterest board so you can quickly and easily find this freebie!


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