Pumpkins, skeletons, candy corn, ghosts, and haunted houses……you know what that means! Fall is here and my FAVORITE holiday that comes with it……HALLOWEEN!
Although the holiday is around that haunted house corner, curriculum still looms near us like that creepy ghost! Bwahahaha!!!!
In an effort to get the kids excited for the season but still focus on our skills, I have incorporated a few “fun” activities into my plans the weeks leading up to Halloween and after. I’ve got you covered for spelling, math, science and everything in between!
This activity is great for ANY (and I do mean ANY) part of your curriculum! I am amazed at what rolling a paper up and securing it with a ring spider can do!!!!! Roll up those questions in any content area, secure, and you have INSTANT engagement! I chose some review task cards for my scrolls and it was a HUGE hit!

I’ve incorporated some holiday-themed spelling papers into my word workstations to keep the fun going! Students work meticulously on practicing their spelling words for the week because….. don’t you know it’s FUN to write your spelling words in spider legs?? 😉

If you’re interested in all 12 activities to use with ANY list, click HERE.
Food? Well YES, PLEASE! Grab those candy corn bags off the shelf and use them to review greater than / less than! They make the perfect symbols for your Halloween-themed assignments. Simply grab dice and a handful of candy corn and….. your students are HOOKED!

Review, review, review! We know how important it is to spiral our skills! This pumpkin activity does just that! Review those place value skills that you have tirelessly worked all quarter on. The BEST part? This can double as a cute hallway display!!!! You can print the pumpkins on orange paper or have your students do the coloring! Connect some vines and….. VOILA!!! A cute place value pumpkin display that can last all fall!

Of course, I saved the BEST for last! STEM! My oh my, do my students L-O-V-E STEM! I love it too, but it has to serve a purpose. These activities, available for fall or Halloween, will have your students 100% participating and creating! Students are asked to research, design to meet a challenge, test the challenge, record their information, and reflect on the outcomes! All of them, EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM, will be BEGGING for more STEM!
I promise!
Fall STEM:
★ Collect piles of leaves to see who gains the most points
★ Create pumpkin boats to see how many pumpkin candies can be held.
★ Create a tool to move pumpkins from the Scarecrow
★ Create a route to move the pumpkins from the patch to the car for shipment in the fastest time

Grab the Fall STEM lessons HERE.
Halloween STEM
★ Construct the tallest haunted house
★ Create a web to catch the most spiders
★ Create the most life-like skeleton
★ Stack candy corn to create the tallest structure

These awesome Halloween activities are available HERE.
Do you have favorite Halloween or fall activities that get your students excited? I would LOVE to hear about them below!