Fall Activities Number of the Day Worksheet Series for October

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These fall 2nd grade number of the day sheets are perfect to keep your students practicing the important place value skills needed to succeed. The similar format will help your children to complete these activities independently and gain confidence in their place value skills.

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This products is EXACTLY the same as my October Halloween edition, except it is not holiday themed. Please do not purchase both!

THIS resource will cover the following skills:
October: 3-Digit Numbers

* Hundreds/Tens/Ones mixed up

* Greater Than/Less Than

* 100’s Chart Fill-in

* Missing Addends

* Write the number 2 different ways with expanded form

* Add and Subtract with no regrouping (3 digit by 3 digit)

* Even and Odd

* Ones/Tens/Hundreds More and Less

* Draw Place Value Blocks

* Skip Counting 2s and 5s

**This OCTOBER resource is also PART of a bundle that will increase with difficulty each month. If you are interested in practicing place value skills throughout the entire year with number of the day worksheets, check out my DISCOUNTED BUNDLE HERE** Continue reading to see how they will build)


August: 2-Digit Numbers (1st Grade Review)
* Number bonds
* Ten Frames

* Odd/Even

* Tally Marks

* Counting On

* Counting Back

* Number line
* Place Value Blocks

* Word Form

* Expanded Form

* Tens/Ones

September: 2-Digit and 3-Digit Numbers
* 2-Digit (Pages 1-15) Will have the same skills listed above for August.

* 3-Digit (Pages 16-30) Will have these skills:

* Skip Counting by 2s and 5s

* One/Ten/Hundred More/Less

* Draw Place Value Blocks

* Least to Greatest

* Choose the number written 2 different ways

* Hundreds/Tens/Ones in order

* Add and Subtract with no regrouping (3 digit by 2 digit)

* Even and Odd

* Write in Word Form

* Expanded Form

October: 3-Digit Numbers

* Hundreds/Tens/Ones mixed up

* Greater Than/Less Than

* 100’s Chart Fill-in

* Missing Addends

* Write the number 2 different ways

* Add and Subtract with no regrouping (3 digit by 3 digit)

* Even and Odd

* One/Ten/Hundred More/Less

* Draw Place Value Blocks

* Skip Counting 2s and 5s

November 3-Digit Numbers
* 300 more/20 less, etc (random increase/decrease by 100s and 10s

* Addition with and without regrouping / Subtraction no regrouping

* 100s chart excerpt

* Value of underlined digit

* Skip Counting by 3s and 10s
* How many Hundreds, Tens and Ones out of order

* Missing Addends

* Write the number 3 different ways

* Greater Than/Less Than

* Draw Blocks

December 3-Digit Numbers

* Value of Underlined Digit vs. the Place of the digit

* Missing numbers in Expanded Form

* True/False Equations

* Addition with and without regrouping / Subtraction with and without regrouping

* Write number 4 different ways

* Skip Counting by 2s, 3s, 5s, or 10s

* HTO out of order

* Greater Than/Less Than

* Draw Blocks

* 100s chart excerpt

January 3-Digit Numbers

* Expanded Form Out of Order

* Largest/Smallest Number with Digits

* Find the Patterns

* Mental Math

* Draw Blocks

* Add and Subtract with and without regrouping

* True or False < > Equations

* Value of Underlined Digit vs Place of Digit

February 3-Digit Numbers

* Create the Number using Word Clues

* Complete the Pattern

* Draw number using money

* Balancing Equations

* Largest/Smallest number with digits

* Expanded Form out of order

* Add and Subtract with and without regrouping

* Mental Math

March 3-Digit Numbers

* Word Problems

* Round to 10

* Create Number using Word Clues

* Complete the Pattern

* Draw number using money

* Balancing Equations

April 3-Digit Numbers

* Create your own pattern

* Create your own addition/subtraction equations

* Build a Number

* Round to the nearest 10

* Word Problems

* Create your own addition/subtraction equations

* 100s/10s/1s more and less

* Draw Blocks

* HTO Out of Order

May 3-Digit Numbers

* Round to the nearest 100

* Create your own pattern

* Build a Number

* Add/ Sub

* More or Less with uncommon numbers

* Write number 3 different ways

* Draw Number using Money


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